Throat Chakra Mala Aquamarine Lapis Apatite Imperial Jasper Turquoise Amazonite Clear Quartz Natural Gemstone 8mm bead Mala Prayer Beads Necklace


The throat or vishuddha chakra is associated with not only the voice and the throat, but also the mouth, lower face, ears, the lower part and back of the neck, and the shoulders. Its area of influence is the space from the shoulder to the chin, and along the cervical spine to the base of the skull. This chakra can be thought of as the connection between the emotions and the mind, or as the path of communication between the lower chakras to the higher ones.


Aquamarine metaphysical properties: Aquamarine is known as the Stone of Courage. Its calming energies are said to reduce stress and quiet inner chatter. Sensitive people can benefit tremendously from  Aquamarine. It is said to invoke tolerance of others and helps you overcome judgmental tendencies by bringing forth feelings of support to those overwhelmed by responsibility. It helps to clarify perception, sharpen the intellect, and clear confusion. Aquamarine is extremely beneficial for those who are seeking any type of closure. It promotes self-expression, soothes fears, sharpens intuition, and opens clairvoyance. It is a powerful addition to a meditation practice. Aquamarine shields the aura and aligns the chakras. Highly protective during pregnancy, it is said to be helpful in protecting both mother and baby from harm. 

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli meaning: Lapis lazuli is a stone said to promote honesty and allows one to look past the ego. Lapis Lazuli is a powerful healing stone that can help strengthen and protect your immunity, respiratory and nervous systems. The vibrational properties of Lapis Lazuli can also provide natural pain relief and relaxation and encourages self-awareness.

Blue Apatite

Blue Apatite metaphysical properties: Blue Apatite is a powerful stone of manifestation attuned to the future. Stimulating the intellect, it enhances psychic abilities and encourages spiritual development. Connecting the conscious and subconscious mind, this stone facilitates deep inner reflection and insight, allowing one to gain a higher level of knowledge and freedom. With Blue Apatite, discovery and growth become a process of self-alignment and realization.


Turquoise metaphysical properties: Turquoise is said to strengthen your connection to intuition, and is helpful for protection and purification. Turquoise encourages enthusiasm, inspiring new projects and unlocking artistic abilities, and provides better understanding for attention to detail.  


Amazonite Spiritual Meaning: Amazonite is a crystal renowned for its ability to instill trust and clarity of mind, as well as its resonance with the Heart chakra. Amazonite is said to help balance feminine and masculine energies and encourages calmness and clear & loving communication. It is a harmonious stone, bringing balance to the nervous systems and our emotions.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz benefits: Clear crystal quartz is useful for energy amplification, programming, and memory. It is a gemstone of light that brings heightened spiritual awareness to those who use it. Clear Quartz carries pure energy and can help to connect more easily to your higher self. 

Discover the healing properties of mala beads. Used in spiritual practice and meditation rituals since the 12th century, these unique tools are said to aid in relaxation and mental focus. Each set contains hand carved gemstone beads, each believed to carry their own unique positive energy and good vibes. Every bead is cleansed energetically prior to being chosen for each unique set and then each set is hand-strung and hand-knotted with intention and an energetic focus. No two stands are the same and each are made with intention knowing they will find their home with the exact person who needs them.

Each mala contains 108 beads, representing spiritual identity and connection with the universe. In meditation the idea is to run through the stand touching one bead at a time, using each movement as an opportunity to focus on a breath or mantra. This process creates positive spiritual energy and acts as a meditation aid to help the user have a tangible tool to focus on. Strand measures approximately 44" and hit roughly at sacral level. Beads are generally  8mm. Size and material of guru and accent beads vary from design to design. All of our malas are primarily made of semi-precious stones and nylon cord. We do at times add some beads of varying materials for aesthetic purposes. Please feel free to ask if you would like more information on any embellishments used in any particular mala. We also make custom malas, so feel free to reach out to order the perfect one made just for you.